
Smart specialisation thematic partnerships


2014 – on-going
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Smart specialisation thematic partnerships

REID has been a core player in the development of regional innovation strategies since the mid 1990s and, more recently, has been involved in designing and evaluating smart specialisation strategies. From 2014 onwards, REID advised the European Commission services and developed the initial concept for inter-regional smart specialisation partnerships working together on common topics that inspired the work of the so-called Vanguard Initiative.

He has acted as an advisor to a number of thematic partnerships in fields as diverse as offshore technologies in the North Sea to the use of digital technologies, improving productivity of food manufacturers through smart sensors and applying big data to improve traceability of foods in European value chains.

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Digital period
Regions in industrial transition – boosting digital transformation

A pilot action on Regions in Industrial Transition was launched in 2018 to help test new approaches to industrial transition and provide evidence to underpin post-2020 policies and programmes. Regions in industrial transition face specific challenges, notably where this is associated with a lack of an appropriate skills-base, high unit labour costs and deindustrialisation. These regions may be unable to attract sufficient extra-regional investment to encourage broad industrial modernisation or make full use of the opportunities offered by European programmes. Hauts-de-France was one of 12 region selected to identify “high impact” pilot actions. REID acted as an advisor to the Regional Council in developing a pilot action that was awarded €300,000 in support by the European Commission. The pilot action reinforced the team of the regional innovation agency (HDFID) by making available a specialist in digitalisation to conduct a series of targeted ‘digital innovation audits’ in selected ‘traditional manufacturing firms (between 80-100 firms were expected to benefit from the audit). In addition, the pilot action will test a ‘digital transition voucher’ to support selected firms to recruit and train a young or previously unemployed specialist (vocational or engineering/ICT qualifications). A key element of the process will be to ensure that the application of digital technologies is done in a way to reinforce competitiveness of the firm and avoid job losses (employment rich industrial transition).

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